Thursday, July 3, 2008

Letter #2

Oy! Freddy, me boy!

Fings just ain't the same wivout you, mate. I've been frightful lonesome. I've taken to drinkin' me ginger beer all on me own, and you know they say that's the first sign of a problem.
The neighborhood seems to be takin' a turn for the worse wivout you at yer post, mate. First, that bird upstairs keeps dropping her fags onto the walkway, making the missus right mad when she goes to pick up the post. Also, it seems as though when yer missus left, she sparked a mass exodus of sorts. There seems to be anuver lot movin' out, and they've been makin' quite a racket transportin' their paraphanelia.
I was finking about 'aving JimJam and Jerome over for a wee get togever this weekend. Maybe we can cause some 'ell for all the folks celebratin' their so-called independence. 'Oo in their right mind, would want to be independent from jolly ol' England? Lord, 'ow I miss those rollin' green 'ills. At any rate, we'll knock back a pint or two in your honor, mate. Wivout you, the free of us get rather out of 'and. Just the uver day, JimJam spilled his lager all over me jumper!
Right! Anway, back to me post. The guvnor gets rather touchy about me using his computing machine. Perhaps the missus will buy me me own for me birfday!


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