Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ivan-Ho! What the 'ell 'ave ya been doin? Guardin me post always meant tha I yells at these crazy neighbas. Bollocks! Cigarettes in me front yar! Me thinks not, me wee friend.

I miss the ol apples and pears and chattin it up about the bloody queen and the ginga and the uvver grandson wiv the big teeff. 

Sometimes I lay orake at night and fink about yer and all the mischief we 'ad at the Mrs.' 

How I miss yer Ivan. We 'ad such a bloody right good time togeffer. Remember the time we took 'ol Phin out 'is bowl and player 'ot fish-tato wiv Jim Jam and Jerome, isit? Bloody good it 'twas! Struth!

Arright, mate. It's time ter go ter bed. Got me some new posts ter wotch bright and early. Take care and go give them neighbor a goin' on to! Honest guv!

Freddy Boy

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